Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration
June 24, 2024

12. Infernal Suite - Isabella Temperville

12. Infernal Suite - Isabella Temperville
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Theorist Composer Collaboration

Featured on this episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration podcast is the composer Isabella Temperville and her album Infernal Suite. Music theorist Aaron D’Zurilla discusses with Isabella her background, musical inspirations, literary workings, Infernal Suite, the lore to a completely original fantasy setting, multi-media projects, and what composition means in a grand scope.


Infernal Suite streaming:



Isabella Contact Links:

Email: bellatempmusic@gmail.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streetcomposer/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Uk6rQ7d40fT3P42f10SMA


A full episode transcript is also available on our host website on the corresponding episode page a few days after the initial upload at https://www.tccollaboration.com/


Make sure to follow the TCC social media and hosting accounts on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557900086297

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tc_collaboration/

Website: https://www.tccollaboration.com/


Infernal Suite was written, mastered, and self-published by Isabella Temperville.

Aaron D'Zurilla Profile Photo

Aaron D'Zurilla

Theorist/TCC Founder


Aaron D'Zurilla is the primary host and founder of the Theorist Composer Collaboration. Aaron holds a Bachelor's of Music in Music Theory from the University of Florida, and is a current Graduate Music Theory student at Florida State University.


Isabella Temperville Profile Photo

Isabella Temperville



Isabella Temperville (b. 2000) is a composer and sound designer based in Baton Rouge, LA. She received a Bachelor’s of Music from Christopher Newport University in 2023 and is currently continuing her studies at Louisiana State University. Temperville’s music has been described as a “journey through sonic storytelling.” Her music “features cavernous, illuminated soundscapes, deceptively accessible melodies, and a clever double-take sense of orchestration.” Temperville’s works “The Thoughts that Corrupt” (2021) and “Fast Traveler” (2022) were featured in CNU’s Contemporary Music Festival, making her the first student at CNU to have a piece featured in the festival. Her work “LIFESTREAM” (2024) was also recently performed by the CRISP Electronic Music Ensemble at CNU. After Temperville completes her master’s degree, she wishes to pursue a degree in video game composition. When she is not composing, Temperville enjoys writing stories, playing difficult video games, and info-dumping about her latest special interest.

Email: bellatempmusic@gmail.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1sHkpJTRo7Rs1gsi0CrKea?si=nZgA67aJSXGtdh_wNWCmEQ