Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration
July 1, 2024

13. Lavender in a London Fog - Russell N. Avellanosa

13. Lavender in a London Fog - Russell N. Avellanosa
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Theorist Composer Collaboration

Featured on this episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration podcast is the composer Russell N. Avellanosa and his piece Lavender in a London Fog. Music theorist Aaron D’Zurilla discusses with Russell his background, musical identities, writing for orchestra, textural development, collaborations in performance, counterpoint, curation vs. creation, and issues within pedagogy.

Russell Contact Links:

Email: russellavellanosa2001@gmail.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rightnowaudio/


A full episode transcript is also available on our host website on the corresponding episode page a few days after the initial upload at https://www.tccollaboration.com/


Make sure to follow the TCC social media and hosting accounts on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557900086297

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tc_collaboration/

Website: https://www.tccollaboration.com/


Lavender in a London Fog was recorded by the University of Florida Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Tiffany Lu.

Aaron D'Zurilla Profile Photo

Aaron D'Zurilla

Theorist/TCC Founder


Aaron D'Zurilla is the primary host and founder of the Theorist Composer Collaboration. Aaron holds a Bachelor's of Music in Music Theory from the University of Florida, and is a current Graduate Music Theory student at Florida State University.


Russell N. Avellanosa Profile Photo

Russell N. Avellanosa



Russell N. Avellanosa is a Filipino-American composer and recording engineer based in central Florida. His music takes rhythmic influence from black American popular music and formal practices from the European canon. Avellanosa earned a B.A. in Composition at the University of Florida where he studied with Scott Lee, Tina Tallon, and James Paul Sain. He is currently working towards an M.S. in Management at the University of Florida.

Email: russellavellanosa2001@gmail.com