Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration

Ky Nam Nguyen

Ky Nam Nguyen Profile Photo



Ky Nam Nguyen (b. 1996) is a composer and pianist from Vietnam. Since the early days of her composition career, she has sought to merge her Vietnamese heritage with the Western classical education that she received from a young age. This blending of Eastern and Western cultures is a central theme in many of her works. For more information about her compositions and activities, please see her website at kynamnguyen.com.


April 15, 2024

2. A Vietnamese Mother's Letter to Nixon - Ky Nam Nguyen

Featured on this episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration is the composer Ky Nam Nguyen and her piece, A Vietnamese Mother’s Letter to Nixon. We discuss her background, compositional process and inspirations, the histor...

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