Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration

Purple Kloud

Purple Kloud Profile Photo



Purple Kloud, also known as Rayvon Rollins, is a genre-blending artist from Gainesville, FL, known for his signature "pyrofuzz" sound, which fuses hip-hop, soul, and jazz. Inspired by legends like Jimi Hendrix and Wu-Tang Clan, his music and dynamic stage presence convey messages of resilience, creativity, and community. Beyond his music, Purple Kloud is a musician in residence with the Shands Arts in Medicine program, using his craft to inspire and heal through art.

Email: pyrofuzzpro@gmail.com

Jan. 20, 2025

TCC 30. HUGO - Purple Kloud

This episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration features the artist Purple Kloud and tracks from his album HUGO. Music theorist Aaron D’Zurilla talks with Purple Kloud about his background, the genre of “Pyrofuzz”, his wr...