Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration

Will Davenport

Will Davenport Profile Photo



Will Davenport is an internationally performed, American midwest-based composer currently working towards his master’s at Florida State University under Dr. Liliya Ugay. He recently graduated from Ohio University where he studied under Dr. Robert W. McClure and Dr. Mark Phillips. Davenport’s music mixes aesthetics from the past with modern techniques in new and unique ways in order to communicate the strangeness of currently being alive. With each piece, Davenport ventures into personally unexplored territories and thrives to collaborate with other composers and musicians as much as possible; creating with other people drives his passion for making.


April 22, 2024

3. Reed Quintet I - Will Davenport

Featured on this episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration is the composer Will Davenport and his piece, Reed Quintet I. We discuss his background, compositional process and inspirations, Reed Quintet I, various composit...

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