Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration

Blog Posts

June 27, 2024

Isabella Temperville, Russell N. Avellanosa

Hello Everyone, If you have not already, I encourage you to use the following link to listen to the most recent episode of the TCC Podcast, featuring the composer Isabella Temperville and her album Infernal Suite. https://www.tccollaboration.com/1…

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June 20, 2024

The Housing Crisis, Isabella Temperville

Hello Everyone, If you have not already, I encourage you to use the following link to listen to the most recent episode of the TCC Podcast, featuring the artist project The Housing Crisis, also known as singer/songwriter Dylan O’Brian, and hi…

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June 13, 2024

Brian Junttila, The Housing Crisis

Hello Everyone, If you have not already, I encourage you to use the following link to listen to the most recent episode of the TCC Podcast, featuring the composer Brian Junttila and his piece Concertino for Saxophone. https://www.tccollaboration.c…

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June 6, 2024

Ben Williams, Brian Junttila

Hello Everyone, If you have not already, I encourage you to use the following link to listen to the most recent episode of the TCC Podcast, featuring the producer Ben Williams and his album On My Own. https://www.tccollaboration.com/on-my-own-ben-…

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May 30, 2024

Brittney Pflanz, Cameron Gwynn, Ben Williams

Hello Everyone,   If you have not already, I would highly encourage you to use the following link to listen to the most recent episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration, featuring the first guest host and theorist on the program, Brittne…

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May 23, 2024

Violincia, Brittney Pflanz, Cameron Gywnn

Hello Everyone, If you have not already, please go and checkout the latest episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration podcast featuring Lucy from the group Violincia, and their debut album Nihilara. You can use the link right below to listen to…

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May 16, 2024

Dr. Michael Kahle, Violincia

Hello Everyone, If you have not already, I encourage you to listen to the most recent episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration Podcast featuring Dr. Michael Kahle and his piece, We are the stories we’ve been told. You can use the follow…

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May 9, 2024

Dr. Nico Gutierrez, Dr. Michael Kahle

Hello Everyone,   If you haven’t already, I highly encourage you to navigate over to the Episodes tab, or click the link right below, to listen to our most recent podcast featuring Dr. Nico Gutierrez and his piece Teogonia.   htt…

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May 2, 2024

Gabriel Gekoskie, Dr. Nico Gutierrez

Hello Everyone,   Welcome to the weekly blog post and, unlike last week, this one is not gargantuan with multiple subheadings. If you have not yet listened to it, I encourage you to navigate over to the episode tab to see the most recent epi…

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April 26, 2024

Will Davenport, FSU EChO, Gabriel Gekoskie

Hello Everyone, This week’s blog post is quite packed with a whole host of things, so here is the itinerary for you to scan to the section(s) that you wish to read about: Will Davenport Ky Nam Documentary Reminder Gabriel Gekoskie (The Nex…

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