Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration

Blog Posts

April 26, 2024

Will Davenport, FSU EChO, Gabriel Gekoskie

Hello Everyone, This week’s blog post is quite packed with a whole host of things, so here is the itinerary for you to scan to the section(s) that you wish to read about: Will Davenport Ky Nam Documentary Reminder Gabriel Gekoskie (The Nex…

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April 25, 2024

A Vietnamese Mother's Letter to Nixon Documentary

Hello Everyone, I feel incredibly honored to share with you that the documentary spoken about in my interview with Ky Nam Nguyen, and her piece A Vietnamese Mother’s Letter to Nixon, is now publicly available with full English subtitles! I hi…

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April 18, 2024

Ky Nam Nguyen, Will Davenport

Hello Everyone, The second episode of the Theorist Composer Collaboration is now live, featuring Ky Nam Nguyen and her phenomenal piece A Vietnamese Mother’s Letter to Nixon. You can listen to the episode here on the TCC website under the epi…

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April 12, 2024

First Episode, New Platforms, Next Guest

Hello Everyone, The first episode of the TCC is finally posted, featuring Oceans Blooming and Justine de Saint Mars, discussing her background, music, and thoughts on theory/composition. It is also exciting that our podcast is now availab…

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April 7, 2024

Welcome to the TCC!

Welcome to the Theorist Composer Collaboration and the first update post on tccollaboration.com. Our website, social media platforms, Spotify, and introductory episode are now live! To find the introductory episode, please go to the Episodes tab in…

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